Love & sense was founded in 2006, since then we have been selling imported bags and accessories based on fair trade at pop-up shops and online.
Our permanent store, Love & Sense, has opened in 2012, on the 10th floor of Hankyu Umeda Main Store, one of Japan’s largest department stores.
Currently we deal with partners and artisan in Brazil, Colombia, Thailand, Cambodia, and more.
Our feature items are bags and accessories made by recycled pop tops.
These items are made by producers living in underprivileged communities in Brazil.Traditional Brazilian crochet work made recycled pop tops re-born to a wonderful products.
We believe that our mission is to make it possible for more people to act in ways that lead to a sustainable society.
Love & sense is where people can buy wonderful fair trade items normally and routinely.
Shop Info
10F Hankyu Department Store
8-7 Kakuda-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-8350
Tel: 06-6313-2346
Open hours is Based on Hankyu Department Store